Support Belarusians in Ukraine and around
the world

why are
we doing this
Belarus had so called ‘’presidential election’’ was rigged
protesters were captured and put in jail where they were brutally beaten
Number of students in Belarusian language schools reduced by 52% in last 10 years. UNESCO lists Belarusian as vulnerable language.
Russia started a full-scale war with Ukraine
Belarusian had to flee Belarus since August 2020 due to political prosecution
3.5 million
Belarusians of the first, second and third generations live today outside Belarus
How you can help us?
We are gathering funds to help all Belarusians that were peacefully expressing their rights and were captured by the police, beaten and tortured.
Donation programs
*All donations that you make should be tax deductible. Please consult with your own tax professional. If you want to help us financially, you can send us a check.
We have a non-profit status and your donation could be tax deductible (consult your own CPA)
Send check to:
Belarusian Americans. Org
1920 Central Ave NE STE 217
Minneapolis MN 55418
Or through this Paypal link